About Me

Who I am

Rosibel Goncalves

I am a SAAMA Therapies 2.0, Spiritual and Ontological Coaching, Holistic Therapist with Healing Techniques in Hypnotherapy, NLP Healing and Quantum Cleansing, Akashic Records, Angelic Healing, and Kundalini Reiki Cleansing Master

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  • Eliminates limiting beliefs
  • Emotional blockages
  • Physical symptoms
  • Inherited patterns and memories
  • Energetic disturbances


  • Eliminates anxiety, stress and depression
  • Aids weight loss
  • Helps you quit smoking
  • Eliminates sleep problems
  • Eliminate phobias

How are we going to work?

Through all the years of experience that I have been observing in my own healing and the healing of others, I have understood that science and quantum energy are closely related and intertwined, that is, the energetic and mental balance is like the conscious mind and the unconscious mind, one creates the healing bridge for another. By this I mean that to work the mind more easily you have to clean and heal the energy part, therefore I have seen better changes when energy is balanced first and then we work on the information that is already stored in our mind. Since the energy balance manages to lower stress and anxiety levels and to be able to work with a calm and receptive mind, it is easier to any suggestion of change and progress in the individual, than when the person is in a state of personal emergency, It can be called a state of stress, a state of depression, or any state of emotional or energetic imbalance.

Throughout my life, I have studied many holistic healing therapies and I always wondered why the glass is full again? I applied all the therapies, such as Band-Aids, for the wounds temporarily, but as time passed I would experience the same anxiety and the same pattern but with different faces and places.


The reason and why is because since we were born our brain works with two minds. The conscious mind, capable of giving orders and creating a communication bridge with the unconscious mind, which is the one that controls everything from our vital signs in our body, to any experience lived in different angles of view since we are in our mother's womb up to the present moment in which we breathe and for those who handle more empirical information from the origin of our soul. In other words, it controls more than 85% of the functions of our being. Therefore it is vital to learn to be aware of how our mind works so that we can flow harmoniously with our internal dialogue. When we are born we already bring half of the biological and mental information from our parents, that is, half the information from the mother, and half the information from the father, which is housed in our DNA. Our DNA is built from that basic information and from the vivid experiences that have a positive or negative impact on our lives, called experiences.

It is important to understand that no one teaches us in school how we function on a mental level and to understand that our parents were even more lacking in information and solutions than we are today. They have done the best they could under ignorance and under the lack of education and time and even worse our older generations had it. Therefore, we have been a generation more favored by information and the advancement of science, having access to more and more due to digital development in recent times, with more scientific studies that confirm and endorse how we work.

They have done the best they could under ignorance and under the lack of education and the time and our older generations had it even worse. Therefore, we have been a generation more favored by information and the advancement of science, having access to more and more due to digital development in recent times, with more scientific studies that confirm and endorse how we function.


It is important to mention in relation to everything explained above that each person's childhood is so vital and important in their development, that it is responsible for marking an individual for life, both positively and negatively, it is practically the origin of psychological pathologies or success in any area of ​​the person, providing the internal language with ourselves, so-called beliefs that cause the repetition of our experiences.

This is where I focus my work. Using the Using the SAAMA Therapy Methoddeveloped by Veturian Arana, we can access the unconscious mind and heal any energetic, physical, mental or emotional symptom, achieving deep healing for any problem that is preventing a person from experiencing happiness.

Once the healing is complete, the client is accompanied in their progress in their area of healing, always respecting the individual's freedom.

